Valentin Flores

He comes from Laja, an Andean village at approximately 3800 meters above sea level. His passion is knitting, a knowledge passed on within the women and men of his family generation after generation. All together they form an excellent team of textile artisans who knit exclusive and refined garments for MeDeA.  Watching them working together is a joy and we all learned a lot from one another.

Irene Mamani

She is from La Paz and she’s proud of it. She is a never-ending source of ideas, passionate about natural dyeing, excellent knitter. She is in charge of developing all hand-made prototypes. She has an endless patience and she is not satisfied until the result is perfect to her eyes.

Clotilde Calderón

She is from Tiquina, on the bolivian side of Titikaka Lake. She is the queen of greens, a color that she can dye with an unparalleled expertise. She jealously keeps the secrets of natural dyeing that her mother taught her. After more than ten years of relationship and after I revealed her the secret of my coral red nuances, there are no more secret between us!